The Planning Maestro Dashboard gives you a quick summary of the data in your Plan, like a series of mini-reports in chart form. You can set up the dashboard to show useful information, including:
- Variance reports that compare Versions (such as Actuals vs. budget)
- Workflow progress
- What’s new in Planning Maestro (including new Release Notes and documentation)
The dashboard gives you a quick and easy way to review your progress in building budgets and high-level data analysis.
This document shows you, a Planning Maestro Administrator, how to set up your Dashboard for yourself and other users.
Example of a Planning Maestro Dashboard:
Locating the Dashboard
Log into Planning Maestro. Your account opens to the last module you visited (other than the Dashboard). To open your Dashboard, click on the icon in the top left and select Dashboard.
Please Note: You can only open the Dashboard in one browser tab at a time. |
The Dashboard opens.
Please Note: If your Dashboard is blank, open the Planning module, select a Plan, and then return to the Dashboard. The Dashboard should then display. |
Use the following section to set up this Dashboard and add more Components.
Setting up your Dashboard
By default, your Planning Maestro has three types of Components (areas):
- Variance – Enables you to compare two Versions, such as Actuals vs. budget
Please Note: You can customize Variance Components further (for example, selecting which years and Dimensions of data to view). |
- Workflow (if your account has the Workflow feature enabled) – Displays your progress in building a budget or running scenarios using Workflow
- Other – Provides links to the Maestro Help Hub, new Planning Maestro features, Release Notes, and an email address where you can submit product feedback
After configuring your Dashboard, you can:
Configuring the Dashboard
To set up your Dashboard for the first time and edit it later, use the Configure Dashboard tool.
Step 1: At first, your Dashboard page will display only an option to add a Component and a What’s New Component. Click on Dashboard settings in the top left and select Configure Dashboard.
Step 2: The Configure Dashboard popup appears. Use these settings to set up your Dashboard.
1. Dashboard Title – Choose a clear, descriptive name for this dashboard. Please Note: The Configure Variance and Dimension options here are only needed if you plan to include Variance Components on this Dashboard.
To select a particular subset or group of Members from one of these Dimensions, click on the More icon ( ) on its right and select a subset. Please Note: Click Manage Subsets to create a new Hierarchy from this Dimension’s Members. |
After selecting your settings, click Save.
Your Dashboard is configured. Add new Components to your Dashboard by clicking Click here to add a new component.
Please Note: You can add multiple Components of the same type, such as multiple Variance Components that display different X-axes. |
You can also click on the Dashboard settings dropdown menu in the top right and select Add Component.
Adding New Components
Step 1: To add a new component to your Dashboard, select Click here to add a new component.
Please Note: You can also add new Components by clicking on the Dashboard settings dropdown menu the top right of the Dashboard and selecting Add Component. |
Step 2: An Add Component popup appears. Select which type of Component you want to add:
1. Variance (if your Dashboard Configuration is complete) – Enables you to compare two Versions, such as Actuals vs. budget
2. Workflow (if your account has the Workflow feature enabled) – Displays your progress in building a budget or running scenarios using Workflow
3. What’s New? – Provides links to the Maestro Help Hub, new Planning Maestro features, and an email address where you can submit product feedback
Please Note: You can add multiple Components of the same type, such as multiple Variance Components with different X-axes. |
Use the following sections to learn how to set up each type of component.
Adding Variance Components
Step 1: To add a Variance component to your Dashboard, under Categories, select Variance. On the Variance Column (Cluster) Chart card, click Add.
The Add Component popup closes, and a Variance Component appears on the page. Use the following options to set up this Variance Component:
1. Component Title – Enter a title for this entire component (this will appear at the top of the component).
2. Chart Titles
- Chart Title – Enter a title for the chart on this component (consider using something more specific than the Component Title).
- Chart Sub Title – Enter a subtitle for the chart on this component.
3. Variance Versions
- Base Version – Click on the dropdown menu and select a year of data to display from this Version.
- Comparison Version – Click on the dropdown menu and select a year of data to display from this Version.
Please Note: The Base Version and Comparison Version here are chosen in the Dashboard Configuration settings. |
- Select the radio button for Year, Quarters, or Periods below. If you select Quarters or Periods, select specific quarters and periods from the list that appears.
4. Chart Measures (Y-Axis)
- Axis Title – Enter the title of the chart’s Y-axis (often a dollar amount if the Dimensions are monetary, such as Account Number).
5. Chart Dimensions (X-Axis)
- Axis Title – Enter the title of the chart’s X-axis (often the time period).
- Axis Dimension – Select which Dimension you want to display on the X-axis. Click and drag
6. Chart Filters – Click and drag the Dimensions you want to use as filters for this chart.
7. Available Dimensions – These are the Dimensions available to display in the chart or use as filters. You can make different Dimensions available by changing your Dashboard configuration.
After you select your settings, click Save.
The Variance Component appears on the Dashboard.
Please Note: Users can only review data in Variance Components for which they have Security permissions. For example, only users with Security access to the Operating Expenses application can review Operating Expense data in Variance Components. |
To view more specific information about each Variance Component, hover over the bars in the bar graph.
Example: In this Net Revenue by Product Component, you can hover over Product B’s bar to see the total amount of revenue for Product B in your Actuals and your Best Case Versions for Quarter 1, 2020. The variance between the two Versions is listed on the right (Base Version minus Comparison Version): here, Actuals Q1 2020 minus Best Case Q1 2020 equals negative $600. |
You can zoom in on Variance Components to see your data better, especially when Dimension Members have varying amounts of data.
To zoom in on one bar in a bar chart, hover your cursor over that bar and use your computer mouse to scroll up.
Example: The Revenue bar in this screenshot is so high that the other bars on the chart are not visible. |
- The Y-axis of that Component expands to show a smaller range of data.
- The bar you hovered over expands.
Example: To see the rest of the data in this chart, hover over the Cost of Sales bar in the bar chart and scroll up. The axes expands from 0-14,000,000 to -3,000-6,000 and you can review the rest of the data. |
To return to your original view, hover your cursor over the same bar in the chart and scroll down.
Adding Workflow Components
If your company uses Planning Maestro’s Workflow feature, Workflow Components help you track the progress of Assignments.
To add a Workflow Component, follow steps 1-2 above. On the Add Component popup, select Workflow.
Please Note: Only users who have Security access to the Workflow feature can see Workflow Components. |
A list of Workflow options appears:
- Assignments by Active Workflow – Select this option if you have multiple Workflows and want to see your Assignments grouped by active Workflow.
- Assignments by Application – Select this option to see Assignments grouped into Operating Expenses, Revenue, Personnel, Driver, and Adjustment line items.
- Assignments by User – Select this option if you want to see Assignments grouped by Workflow Owners or Contributors.
Click Add next to the type of Workflow Component you want to add.
Adding an Assignments by Active Workflow Component
Step 1: To add a Workflow Component that groups Assignments by active Workflow, click Add on the Assignments by Active Workflow card.
Step 2: A new Assignments by Active Workflow Component appears. Enter a title for this component and click Save.
An Assignments by Active Workflow Component appears on the page.
Please Note: The due date for each Workflow appears above that Workflow’s bar in the bar chart. Overdue Workflows’ due dates display in red. Workflows marked as Done are not displayed. |
Adding a Workflow Assignments by Application Component
Step 1: To add a Workflow Component that groups Assignments by Application (Operating Expenses, Personnel, Drivers, Adjustments), click Add on the Assignments by Application card.
Step 2: A new Assignments by Application Component appears. Enter a title for this component and click Save.
An Assignments by Application Component appears on the page.
Adding a Workflow Assignments by User Component
Step 1: To add a Workflow Component that groups Assignments by User (budget contributors), click Add on the Assignments by User card.
Step 2: This Workflow Component appears on the Dashboard. Enter a title for this component and click Save.
An Assignments by User Component appears on the page.
Reviewing Workflow Components
Each of the three types of Workflow Components allows you to drill down or examine the data more closely. The screenshots use the Assignments by Application Component as an example.
Filtering by Workflow
You can filter the Assignments by Application and Assignments by User Components to focus on one Workflow at a time. To select which Workflow to view, click on the dropdown menu on the right and select a Workflow.
Please Note:
Filtering by Status
You can filter each of the types of Workflow Components by the status of each Assignment. To remove Assignments of a certain status from the chart, click on its label below the X-axis: Assignment Not Sent, In Progress, Submitted, or Approved.
The label of the status you clicked on turns gray. Assignments with this status disappear from the chart.
To add Assignments of this status back into the chart, click on the name of that status again.
You can zoom in on certain bars in Workflow Components to see them better. To zoom in on one bar in a bar chart, hover your cursor over that bar and use your computer mouse to scroll up.
- The Y-axis of that Component expands to show a smaller range of data.
- The bar you hovered over expands.
Example: To focus on the Adjustment Assignments in this Workflow Component, hover over the Adjustments bar in the bar chart and scroll up. The axes expands from 0-30 to 0-8 and the Adjustments bar expands so you can review it more easily. |
To return to your original view, hover your cursor over the same bar in the chart and scroll down.
Reviewing Assignments by Active Workflow
In the Assignments by Active Workflow Component, you can filter by Workflow and Assignment Status. To focus on Assignments from one Workflow that have a certain status, hover over that status in the Workflow’s bar on the bar chart until the cursor turns into a Zoom in icon ( ). Click on that status.
A pie chart appears that displays all this Workflow’s Assignments that have that status. The pie chart shows how many Assignments with that status belong to each Workflow Owner.
Example: You can filter this Component to review all Assignments with the status of Assignment not Sent in Workflow 1. |
To see the percentage of Workflow Assignments of that status that belong to each Owner, hover over a section of the pie chart.
To return to an unfiltered view of this Component, click Back.
Reviewing Assignments by Application
In the Assignments by Application Component, you can filter by Workflow and Assignment Status. To focus on Assignments from one Application that have a certain status, hover over that status in the application’s bar on the bar chart until the cursor turns into a Zoom in icon ( ). Click on that status.
A pie chart appears that displays all this application's Assignments that have that status. The pie chart shows how many Assignments with that status are in each Workflow.
To see the percentage of Workflow Assignments of that status in each Workflow, hover over a section of the pie chart.
To return to an unfiltered view of this Component, click Back.
Reviewing Assignments by User
Filtering by User
You can filter the Assignments by User Component by User and Status. To see how many of one User’s Assignments have a certain status, hover over that status in the bar that represents that user until the cursor turns into a Zoom in icon ( ). Click on that status.
A pie chart appears that displays all this user’s Assignments that have that status. The pie chart shows how many Assignments with that status are in each Workflow.
To see the percentage of Workflow Assignments of that status in each Workflow, hover over a section of the pie chart.
To return to an unfiltered view of this Component, click Back.
Adding Other Components
To add any type of component other than a Variance or Workflow Component, on the Add Component popup, select Other.
Please Note: The Other type of Component currently available is a What’s New Component, which provides links to the latest Release Notes and documentation and enables you to suggest features or improvements. This Component appears by default on new Dashboards. |
Step 1: The option to add a What’s New? Component appears. To add this type of Component, click Add.
Step 2: A new What’s New? Component appears. Enter a title for this component and click Save.
A What’s New? Component appears on the page.
Editing Components
After setting up your Dashboard and its Components, you can edit Components as needed.
Step 1: To edit a Component, click on the Ellipses icon ( ) in its top right corner.
Step 2: A dropdown menu appears. Select one of the following options:
- Maximize – Maximize Components so they expand to fill the page.
Example of a maximized Component: |
- Minimize – Make Components smaller so they are still visible but do not display charts or data (saving space on a crowded Dashboard).
Example of a minimized Component:
- Delete Components – Remove Components from the Dashboard.
- Configure Components – Edit the data or structure of a Component (see next slide).
- Restore (option for maximized and minimized Components) – Return a maximized or minimized Component to its original size.
Restore a minimized Component:
Configuring Components
Step 1: To edit the data or layout of a Component, select Configure.
Please Note: Your options for configuring a Component depend on the Dashboard’s configuration. To make changes to the Versions, Dimensions, or years displayed in your Dashboard, use the Configure Dashboard option. |
Step 2: The Component’s options open. See the Adding a Component section to review how to use these options.
Step 3: After editing the Component, click Save.
Your edits are saved.
Moving Components
You can also edit the layout of your Dashboard by moving Components. To move a Component on the Dashboard, use the arrows in the top right corner.
The Component will move to the bottom of the side you moved it to (left or right).
Deleting Components
To delete a Component from this Dashboard, click on the Ellipsis icon ( ) in its top right and select Delete.
Click Confirm.
- The Component is deleted.
- A confirmation message appears.
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