Steps to Reproduce the Issue:
When utilizing the web based import into Planning Maestro utilizing Excel or CSV files the following error is received: "The following files are not the correct file type, and will not be loaded: Name_of_file.filetype"
The name of the file is either missing required parts or in the wrong format for import.
Steps to Resolve:
The examples below are the required format for the file names to allow for successful import:
- AccountSummary_CIF_V1_YYYYMMDDhhmmss_SourceName.csv
- AccountTransactions_CIF_V1_ YYYYMMDDhhmmss_SourceName.csv
- BaseStructureMembers_CIF_V1_ YYYYMMDDhhmmss_SourceName.csv
- BaseStructures_CIF_V1_ YYYYMMDDhhmmss_SourceName.csv
- FiscalCalendar_CIF_V1_ YYYYMMDDhhmmss_SourceName.csv
- TransactionDetailColumns_CIF_V1_ YYYYMMDDhhmmss_SourceName.csv
The YYYYMMDDhhmmss will need to be modified with the current date and time of the import. Example: AccountSummary_CIF_V1_20190101000000_CompanyName.xlxs
Example: If importing Account Summary use this format:
Note: In the above example, in date and time the section of 20190101000000 the date in format YYYYMMDD is required for all imports while the time hhmmss can be left as all zeros if desired. The advantage of putting in the time when the upload was done is that if their are discrepancies between uploads you can track which files were uploaded in order to determine the discrepancy.
The source name will need to be modified to match the source name of the Planning Maestro profile the data is being imported into. Example: Using the following naming format - AccountSummary_CIF_V1_20190101000000_CompanyName.xlxs. The Profile is Company Name Profile but the source defined for the Profile is CompanyName. This will need to match in order to allow for the data to be imported properly and utilized as expected.
The type of data being imported will be represented by the name at the beginning of the file name. Example: If you are importing Summary Data you would use the AccountSummary naming convention above.
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