Centage’s Planning Maestro Cubes are read-only, published views of your data that you can examine and analyze from different angles, like a Rubik’s cube. You can use a Cube to drill down to the smallest details or study the broadest overviews of your data.
Tableau is the premium visualization/Business Intelligence (BI) vendor in the Office of Finance Market. You can use the Tableau Desktop App to review Planning Maestro Cubes. Using Tableau for Cubes enables you to set up your data in Planning Maestro and then use Tableau’s analytics tools to study and analyze it.
This document shows you, a Planning Maestro user, how to set up Tableau to examine Planning Maestro Cubes.
Step 1: Open the most recent version of Tableau and select the More tab.
Step 2: On the More tab, select Microsoft Analysis Services.
Step 3: A popup appears. Enter the following information in the fields provided:
- Under Locate the cube to connect to, select the Server radio button and enter https://analytics.planningmaestro.com/OLAP/msmdpump.dll in the field provided.
- Under Enter information to log on to the server, select the Use a specific username and password radio button and enter your Cloudmaestro username and password in the fields provided.
Step 4: Click Sign In.
Step 5: A new popup appears.
- Under Step 1: Select a Database, select the Cube you want to use.
- Under Step 2: Select a Cube, select the name of the Cube (again). When you select the Cube’s name in both the 1. Select a Database and 2. Select a Cube sections, the Cube’s Dimensions appear in the field below.
Step 6: You can now view a worksheet with your Cube’s data. To view the worksheet, select Sheet 1 at the bottom.
Step 7: Use the worksheet to review and analyze your Cube’s data.
Creating More Tabs
After you select data to view and set up the worksheet (for example, creating a Profit and Loss Statement), rename the Sheet 1 tab at the bottom of the page to reflect the data that worksheet shows.
You can copy, edit, and rename various sheets in this workbook to create different reports, such as a P&L Statement, Balance Sheet, and Revenue Trend.
Creating Dashboards
To view several graphs or images at once, create a Dashboard. To create a Dashboard, select the Dashboard icon ( ).
A Dashboard worksheet appears.
Reloading your Cube
If you re-deploy your Cube with new data or Dimensions, reload the Cube to view the most recent data in Tableau. To reload the Cube, click on the Data dropdown menu and select Refresh Data Source.
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