Reference Guide: Transaction Types in the Planning Applications

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Operating Expense Transaction Types

Revenue Transaction Types

Revenue - Cost Transactions

Revenue - Other Statistical Data

Revenue - P&L

Revenue - Balance Sheet, Revenue Section

Revenue - Balance Sheet, Cost Section

Personnel Transaction Types

Driver Transaction Types

Adjustment Transaction Types

Each of the Planning applications (Operating Expenses, Revenue, Personnel, Drivers, and Adjustments) contains line items from your budget. Every line item contains multiple pieces of data, or transactions.

Example.png Example: A Revenue line item contains the Price of the line item as well as its Cost.

Each Planning application has different transaction types: for example, a Personnel line item contains Headcount and Overtime Hours, while Operating Expenses have Prepaid Expense amounts.

Each application’s Details pane shows the value of various transaction types for every line item:

Transactions in the Details pane of an Operating Expense:


 You can also select a transaction type for each line item in a Record Set Driver – in other words, choose what piece of information the Record Set Driver collects from the line items it contains.

Example.png Example: You are creating a Record Set Driver to represent the total headcount for an entire office of your company. Each employee in that office is represented by an individual line item in Personnel. You can create a Record Set Driver named Total Office Headcount and set the Transaction type to Headcount (Begin) to make sure that is the information the Driver uses to make its calculation.

Transaction type for this example Record Set Driver:


This document gives you, a Planning Maestro user, a definition of every Transaction type to help you:

  • Understand each line item’s details.
  • Build Record Sets from different transaction types.

Operating_expenses.png Operating Expense Transaction Types

Operating Expense Transaction Type


Expense Input

The portion of the total Operating Expense assigned per period by its Spread Method and affected by any Data Links and Increase/Decrease Methods. Depending on your Security settings, you and other users can make manual edits to each period’s amount for the Expense Input.


The amount of this Operating Expense recognized this period, based on its Recognition Schedule.


The amount of this Operating Expense accrued per period based on its Recognition Schedule.

Accrual Increase*

The total or buildup of the accrued amount for this Operating Expense, based on the Recognition Schedule used in the Payment Schedule.


This amount tracks this buildup for each period before you have to pay it. After it builds up to a certain point determined by its Recognition Schedule, these amounts are added up to the Accrual Decrease amount and moved into Payable Increase.


Example.png Example: An Operating Expense uses a Payable Schedule with Accrual. The number of Accrual Periods for the schedule is 3. The Accrual Decrease is the amount accrued every 3 periods that becomes the Payable Increase.

Accrual Decrease*

The total or buildup of the accrued amount for this Operating Expense that becomes a Payable Increase (an increase in the amount you owe a vendor/creditor).

Operating Expense

The “bottom line” for the Operating Expense amount, or the amount per period that is the result of Data Link or Spread Method, Increase/Decrease, Recognition Schedule, and Accrual. Depending on your Security settings, you and other users can make manual edits to each period’s amount for the Operating Expense.


The total amount of this Operating Expense as it appears in the Profit and Loss or Income Statement.


The amount of a discount to an expense (the part of the expense you do not have to pay).


Please Note: You can add discounts to new Payment Schedules. Use the Payment Schedules application, which is in the Financial Intelligence Setup module, to manage your Payment Schedules.

Prepaid Expense Increase

The total amount you paid in advance for an expense based on its Prepaid Schedule. (This amount is Deferred Revenue for your vendor/creditor). This prepaid amount becomes an asset for your company you use up over time until you have used the entire amount of the good or service you paid for.


Example.png Example: Your company pays $200 in advance for a year’s subscription to a gourmet chocolate delivery company. This $200 is a prepaid asset for the company that you use up over time (because eventually, you receive all the chocolate you paid for and have to pay more to get more).

Prepaid Expense Decrease

The part of the value of a good or service you paid for in advance (a prepaid expense) that you use up per period.


Example.png Example: Your company pays $200 in advance for a year’s subscription to a gourmet chocolate delivery company. Halfway through that year, your Prepaid Expense Decrease is $100, since you have used up $100 of the prepaid amount.

Deferred Discount Increase

The amount of a discount that “kicks in” over time for a prepaid expense (the discount doesn’t “kick in” until you have used up a certain amount of the prepaid amount). This amount plus the Prepaid Expense Increase amount equals your Payable Increase.

Deferred Discount Decrease

The amount of a discount that you use up over time for a prepaid expense.

Payable Increase

The amount this Operating Expense increases a liability GL Account (in other words, the money you owe a vendor or other creditor this period based on the Payment Schedule).

Payable Decrease

The amount this Operating Expense decreases a liability GL Account per period (in other words, the amount of money owed to a vendor or creditor that you paid this period).


The cash you pay for an expense (in other words, the credit in a payment transaction when you are paying in cash). This amount is credited to a Cash GL Account in your Balance Sheet.


The value of the non-cash amount (depreciation, stocks, unrealized gains and losses, etc.) credited to a Balance Sheet GL Account for an expense. In other words, this amount is the amount you “lose” in return for gaining something in an expense, if you are not directly paying cash.

*Only line items using Recognition Schedules with Accrual enabled have Accrual amounts.

Revenue.png Revenue Transaction Types

Please Note: Transaction types for Revenue line items change depending on whether Booking and Price are enabled and the type of Input (Cash or Units). The following table shows this information for each Transaction type.

Revenue Transaction Type

Booking Enabled?



Booking Units (Input)





No Booking

Cash or Units



Booking Enabled

Cash (with or without Price enabled)



Booking Enabled


The portion of the Revenue Input Amount assigned per period by its Spread Method or the result of Revenue Input Data Link. Depending on your Security settings, you and other users can make manual edits to each period’s amount.

Accrual (Booking Units)*





No Booking

Cash or Units



Booking Enabled

Cash (with or without Price enabled)



Booking Enabled


The amount of this Booking Units value accrued per period, based on the Revenue Input Recognition Schedule.

Recognition (Booking Schedule)





No Booking

Cash or Units



Booking Enabled

Cash (with or without Price enabled)



Booking Enabled


The amount of this Booking Units (Input) value recognized this period, based on the Revenue Input Recognition Schedule.

Booking (Units)





No Booking

Cash or Units



Booking Enabled

Cash – no Price



Booking Enabled

CashPrice enabled

The number of units booked for a Revenue line item. Planning Maestro calculates this amount by dividing Bookings by Unit Price.


Booking Enabled


The number of units booked for a Revenue line item, based on the line item’s Booking schedule or the result of Data Link or Spread Method, Increase/Decrease, Recognition Schedule, and Accrual.

Booking Unit Price (Input)





No Booking

Cash or Units



Booking Enabled

Cashno Price



Booking Enabled

Cash-Price enabled

The portion of the Unit Price Amount assigned per period by its Spread Method or the result of Unit Price Input Data Link. Depending on your Security settings, you and other users can make manual edits to each period’s amount.


Booking Enabled


Same as above

Accrual (Booking Unit Price)*





No Booking

Cash or Units



Booking Enabled

Cash-no Price



Booking Enabled

Cash-Price enabled

The amount of this Booking Unit Price (Input) value accrued per period, based on the Unit Price Recognition Schedule.


Booking Enabled


Same as above

Recognition (Booking Unit Price)





No Booking

Cash or Units



Booking Enabled

Cashno Price



Booking Enabled

Cash – Price enabled

The amount of this Booking Unit Price (Input) value accrued per period, based on the Unit Price Recognition Schedule.


Booking Enabled


Same as above

Booking Unit Price





No Booking

Cash or Units



Booking Enabled

Cashno Price



Booking Enabled

Cash – Price enabled

The price per units booked for a Revenue line item for each period, based on the line item’s Unit Price as result of Data Link or Spread Method, Increase/Decrease, Recognition Schedule, and Accrual.


Booking Enabled


Same as above

Bookings (Input)





No Booking

Cash or Units



Booking Enabled

Cashno Price

The portion of the Revenue Input Amount assigned per period by its Spread Method or the result of Revenue Input Data Link. Depending on your Security settings, you and other users can make manual edits to each period’s amount.


Booking Enabled

Cash – Price enabled



Booking Enabled



Accrual (Bookings)*





No Booking

Cash or Units



Booking Enabled

Cashno Price

The amount of this Bookings (Input) value accrued per period, based on the Revenue Input Recognition Schedule.


Booking Enabled

Cash – Price enabled



Booking Enabled



Recognition (Bookings)





No Booking

Cash or Units



Booking Enabled

Cashno Price

The amount of this Bookings (Input) value recognized this period, based on the Revenue Input Recognition Schedule.


Booking Enabled

Cash – Price enabled



Booking Enabled








No Booking

Cash or Units



Booking Enabled

Cashno Price

The total amount of this Revenue line item’s bookings, based the result of Data Link or Spread Method, Increase/Decrease, Recognition Schedule, and Accrual.


Booking Enabled

Cash – Price enabled

Same as above


Booking Enabled


The total amount of this Revenue line item’s bookings, based the result of Booking Units multiplied by Booking Unit Price.

Revenue Units (Input)





No Booking

Cash (with or without Price enabled)



No Booking


The portion of the Revenue Input Amount assigned per period by its Spread Method or the result of Revenue Input Data Link. Depending on your Security settings, you and other users can make manual edits to each period’s amount.


Booking Enabled

Cash or Units


Accrual (Revenue Units)*





No Booking

Cash (with or without Price enabled)



No Booking


The amount of this Revenue Units (Input) value accrued per period, based on the Revenue Input Recognition Schedule.


Booking Enabled

Cash (with or without Price enabled)



Booking Enabled


The amount of this Booking (Units) value accrued per period, based on the Booking Schedule.

Recognition (Revenue Units)





No Booking

Cash (with or without Price enabled)



No Booking


The amount of this Revenue Units (Input) value recognized this period, based on the Revenue Input Recognition Schedule.


Booking Enabled

Cash (with or without Price enabled)



Booking Enabled


The amount of this Booking (Units) value recognized this period, based on the Booking Schedule.

Revenue (Units)





No Booking

Cashno Price



No Booking

Cash – Price enabled

The number of units a Revenue line item calculated by Revenue divided by Unit Price.


No Booking


The number of units for a Revenue line item, based on the line item’s Revenue Input Amount as a result of Data Link or Spread Method, Increase/Decrease, Recognition Schedule, and Accrual.


Booking Enabled

Cashno Price



Booking Enabled

Cash – Price enabled

The number of units a Revenue line item. Planning Maestro determines this number by applying the Booking Schedule to the Booking (Units).


Booking Enabled


The number of units for this Revenue line item, based on the result of Data Link or Spread Method, Increase/Decrease, Booking Schedule, and Accrual of the Booking (Units).

Unit Price (Input)





No Booking

Cashno Price



No Booking

Cash – Price enabled

The portion of the Unit Price Amount assigned per period by its Spread Method or the result of Unit Price Input Data Link. Depending on your Security settings, you and other users can make manual edits to each period’s amount.


No Booking


Same as above


Booking Enabled

Cash or Units


Accrual (Unit Price)





No Booking

Cashno Price



No Booking

Cash – Price enabled

The amount of this Unit Price (Input) value accrued per period, based on the Unit Price Recognition Schedule.


No Booking


Same as above


Booking Enabled

Cash or Units


Recognition (Unit Price)





No Booking

Cashno Price



No Booking

Cash – Price enabled

The amount of this Unit Price (Input) value recognized this period, based on the Unit Price Recognition Schedule.


No Booking


Same as above


Booking Enabled

Cash or Units


Unit Price





No Booking

Cashno Price



No Booking

Cash – Price enabled

The price per unit for a Revenue line item, based on the line item’s Unit Price as result of Data Link or Spread Method, Increase/Decrease, Recognition Schedule, and Accrual.


No Booking


Same as above


Booking Enabled

Cashno Price



Booking Enabled

Cash – Price enabled

The price per unit for a Revenue line item, which matches the Booking Unit Price for that period.


Booking Enabled


Same as above

Revenue (Input)





No Booking

Cashno Price

The portion of the Revenue Input Amount assigned per period by its Spread Method or the result of Revenue Input Data Link. Depending on your Security settings, you and other users can make manual edits to each period’s amount.


No Booking

Cash – Price enabled



No Booking




Booking Enabled

Cash or Units


Accrual (Revenue)*





No Booking

Cashno Price

The amount of this Revenue (Input) value accrued per period based on the Revenue Input Recognition Schedule.


No Booking

Cash – Price enabled

Same as above


No Booking




Booking Enabled

Cashno Price

The amount of this Bookings value accrued per period based on the Booking Schedule.


Booking Enabled

Cash – Price enabled

Same as above


Booking Enabled



Recognition (Revenue)





No Booking

Cashno Price

The amount of this Revenue (Input) value recognized this period, based on the Revenue Input Recognition Schedule.


No Booking

Cash – Price enabled

Same as above


No Booking




Booking Enabled

Cashno Price

The amount of this Bookings value recognized this period, based on the Booking Schedule.


Booking Enabled

Cash – Price enabled

Same as above


Booking Enabled








No Booking

Cashno Price

The total amount of this Revenue line item’s Revenue based the result of Data Link or Spread Method, Increase/Decrease, Recognition Schedule, and Accrual. Depending on your Security settings, you and other users can make manual edits to each period’s amount.


No Booking

Cash – Price enabled

Same as above


No Booking


The total amount of this Revenue line item’s Revenue as a result of multiplying Revenue (Units) by Unit Price. Depending on your Security settings, you and other users can make manual edits to each period’s amount.


Booking Enabled

Cashno Price

The total amount of this Revenue line item’s Revenue based the result of Booking Schedule, and Accrual on the Booking. Depending on your Security settings, you and other users can make manual edits to each period’s amount.


Booking Enabled

Cash-Price enabled

Same as above


Booking Enabled


The total amount of this Revenue line item’s Revenue as a result of multiplying Revenue (Units) by Unit Price. Depending on your Security settings, you and other users can make manual edits to each period’s amount.


Revenue – Cost Transactions

This section lists Details or Transaction Types for Revenue line items that have Cost enabled. Some of these transaction types depend on whether Unit Price Calculations are enabled.

Transaction Type



Cost per Unit (Input)








The portion of the Cost (Input) assigned per period by its Spread Method or the result of Cost (Input) Data Link. Depending on your Security settings, you and other users can make manual edits to each period’s amount.

Accrual (Cost per Unit)*








The amount of this Cost per Unit (Input) value accrued per period based on the Cost Recognition Schedule.

Recognition (Cost per Unit)








The amount of this Cost per Unit (Input) value recognized this period, based on the Cost Recognition Schedule.

Cost per Unit





The cost per unit for this Revenue line item, based on the Cost of Sales value divided by the Revenue Units.



The cost per unit for this Revenue line item, based on the result of Data Link or Spread Method, Increase/Decrease, Recognition Schedule, and Accrual on line item’s Cost (Input).

Cost of Sales (Gross) (Input)





The portion of the Cost (Input) assigned per period by its Spread Method or the result of Cost (Input) Data Link. Depending on your Security settings, you and other users can make manual edits to each period’s amount.




Accrual (Cost of Sales (Gross))*





The amount of this Cost (Input) value recognized this period, based on the Cost Recognition Schedule.




Recognition (Cost of Sales (Gross))





The amount of this Cost (Input) value recognized this period, based on the Cost Recognition Schedule.




Cost of Sales





The gross cost for this Revenue line item, based on the result of Data Link or Spread Method, Increase/Decrease, Recognition Schedule, and Accrual on line item’s Cost (Input).



The gross cost for this Revenue line item, as a result of multiplying Cost per Unit by the Revenue Units.


Revenue – Other Statistical Data

Transaction Type


Backlog (Units)

The total number of units that have been ordered (booked), but not yet delivered (recognized as revenue based on sales units). This transaction type only has value if Booking and Unit Price are enabled.

Backlog (Net)

The value in dollars for the current backlog. This transaction type only has value if Booking is enabled.

Booking (Net)

The net booking amount (total bookings minus lost or cancelled bookings) in the period for this Revenue line item.

Revenue (Net)

The value of the Revenue from P&L minus Discounts, Returns, and Allowances for this Revenue line item.

Cost of Sales (Net)

The net cost of sales (gross sales minus returns, allowances, and discounts) for this Revenue line item.

Cost per Unit (Net)

The value from Cost of Sales (Net) divided by Revenue (Units). This value only appears if Unit Price is enabled.

Cost of Sales (Gross)

The value from the Cost of Sales in the P&L section combined with any Related Costs.

Cost per Unit (Gross)

The cost of one unit of this Revenue line item. This is calculated by Cost of Sales (Gross) divided by Revenue (Units). This value only appears if Unit Price is enabled.

Gross Margin

The Revenue value retained after incurring direct costs, it represents profit of the selling price. This transaction type is calculated using Revenue (Net) minus Cost of Sales (Net) for this Revenue line item.

Gross Margin %

The percentage of the selling price that is profit for this Revenue line item. It is calculated using (Gross Margin divided by Revenue (Net) multiplied by 100).

Gross Margin per Unit

The value for profit for each unit sold. It is calculated using Gross Margin divided by the Revenue (Units). This transaction type only appears if Unit Price is enabled.


Revenue – P&L

Transaction Type


P&L Revenue

The total amount of this Revenue line item recognized in your Profit and Loss or Income Statement.

Discount (Revenue)

The discount, or cost deduction, for this Revenue line item that you gave to your customers.

Cost of Sales

The cost of sales (such as employee commissions) for this line item recognized in your Profit and Loss or Income Statement.

Discount (Cost of Sales)

The amount of a discount to the Cost of this Revenue line item (the part of the Cost you do not have to pay).


Revenue – Balance Sheet, Revenue Section

Transaction Type


Deferred Revenue Increase

The value shows the increase in the Liability for products or services that your customer has paid for, that you have not yet provided. This transaction only has values when Deferred Revenue has been enabled.

Deferred Revenue Decrease

The value shows the decrease of the Liability, representing the portion of products or services that you’ve been paid for that have now been delivered. The amount that you’ve earned from money that you’ve already received. This transaction only has values when Deferred Revenue has been enabled.

Deferred Discount Increase

The amount of a discount you gave this customer for this line item for line items they paid for in advance (in other words, the amount of a discount you have to remember to account for). This transaction only has values when Deferred Revenue has been enabled and the Receivable Schedule used has a Discount enabled.

Deferred Discount Decrease

The amount of the discount associated with the Deferred Revenue Decrease. In other words, the discount on goods or services that you’ve been paid for that have now been delivered. This transaction only has values when Deferred Revenue has been enabled and the Receivable Schedule used has a Discount enabled.

Receivable Accrual Increase*

The amount per period accrued, before it passes into the Receivable account, based on the Receivable Schedule.

Receivable Accrual Decrease*

The amount removed from the Accrual as it passes into the Receivable account, based on the Receivable Schedule.

Receivable Increase

The amount this line item increases an Accounts Receivable GL Account (in other words, the amount your customers owe you for this line item).

Receivable Decrease

The amount this line item decreases an Accounts Receivable GL Account (in other words, the amount customers paid you money they owed for this line item).

Cash (Revenue)

The total amount of cash your company received as payment for this Revenue line item.

Non-Cash (Revenue)

The total amount of non-cash revenue your company received as payment for this Revenue line item.


Revenue – Balance Sheet, Cost Section

Transaction Type


Deferred Cost Increase

The Cost of Sales amount related to products or services that your customer has paid for that you have not yet provided.  This transaction only has values when Deferred Revenue has been enabled.

Deferred Cost Decrease

The Cost of Sales amount related to the portion of products or services that you’ve been paid for that have now been delivered. This transaction only has values when Deferred Revenue has been enabled.

Deferred Discount (CoS) Increase

The increase in the discount amount associated with the Cost of Sales that were deferred. This transaction only has values when Deferred Revenue has been enabled and the Payment Schedule used has a Discount enabled.

Deferred Discount (CoS) Decrease

The discount amount associated with the Deferred Cost Decrease. This transaction only has values when Deferred Revenue has been enabled and the Payment Schedule used has a Discount enabled.

Payable Accrual Increase*

The amount per period accrued, before it passes into the Payable account, based on the Payment Schedule.

Payable Accrual Decrease*

The amount removed from the Accrual as it passes into the Payable account, based on the Payment Schedule.

Payable Increase

The amount this line item increases an Accounts Payable GL Account (in other words, the amount it increases unpaid bills).

Payable Decrease

The amount this line item decreases an Accounts Payable GL Account (in other words, the amount it decreases unpaid bills).

Cash (Payment)

The amount of cash payments your company paid for this Revenue line item.

Non-Cash (Payment)

The amount of non-cash payments your company paid for this Revenue line item.

*Only line items using Recognition Schedules with Accrual enabled have Accrual amounts.


Personnel.png Personnel Transaction Types

Personnel Transaction Type


Headcount (Begin)

The number of employees represented by this Personnel line item at the start of each period.


Example.png Example: If this line item represents 5 employees at the start of February, this amount is 5, even if your company hires or fires some employees during that period.

Headcount Increase

The amount by which the Headcount (number of employees) for this Personnel line item increases in a period.

Headcount Decrease

The amount by which the Headcount (number of employees) for this Personnel line item decreases in a period.

Headcount (End)

The number of employees represented by this Personnel line item at the end of each period.


Example.png Example: If this line item represents 5 employees at the start of February, and your company hires 2 more employees in February, this amount is 7 for February.


Please Note: Headcount cannot be a negative number.

Planned Hours (Input)

The number of hours planned for this Personnel line item with any manual edits users made to each period amount.

Recognition (Planned Hours)

The number of Planned Hours recognized per period, based on this Personnel line item’s Recognition Schedule for Hours.

Accrual (Planned Hours)

The number of Planned Hours accrued so far for this Personnel line item, based on its Recognition Schedule for Hours.

Planned Hours

The number of hours planned for this Personnel line item.


Please Note: This Transaction type only applies for Personnel line items that do not use a Work Schedule.

Regular Hours

The number of Planned Hours for this Personnel line item minus any Hourly Related Expenses (such as Overtime or sick time) included in Planned Hours.

Overtime Hours

Overtime hours (any hours beyond 40 hours per week) for this Personnel line item.

Shift/Premium Hours

The shift premium hours (hours outside of the regular workday, such as holiday, weekend, or night hours) for this Personnel line item.

Other Hours

Other hours (hours not classified as Overtime or Shift Premium) for this Personnel line item.

Regular Hourly Wages (Input)

Regular Hourly Wages for this Personnel line item with any manual edits users made to each period amount.

Recognition (Regular Hourly Wages)

The total amount of Regular Hourly Wages recognized per period for this Personnel line item, based on its Recognition Schedule.

Accrual (Regular Hourly Wages)

The total amount of Regular Hourly Wages accrued so far for this Personnel line item based on its Recognition Schedule.

Regular Hourly Wages

The normal hourly wage for this Personnel line item (base wage per hour plus any HRE or PRE included in Regular Wages).

Total Expense

The total expense for this Personnel line item (wages plus all HREs and PREs).

Gross Wages

Gross Wages (regular wages plus any HREs and PREs included in gross wages).

Adjusted Gross Wages

The Adjusted Gross Wages (Gross Wages minus HREs and PREs deducted from Regular or Gross Wages).

Regular Wages

The regular wages (base wages, or headcount times hourly wage times hours, plus any HRE or PRE included in regular wages) for this Personnel line item.

Adjusted Regular Wages

The item’s adjusted regular wages (regular wages minus HREs and PREs deducted from regular wages) for this Personnel line item.

Base Wages

The headcount times hourly wage times number of hours for this Personnel line item.

Average Hourly Rate Overall

The total payment (wage per hour plus the value HREs and PREs) divided by the number of hours for this Personnel line item.

Total Expense per Headcount

The total expense (wages plus the value of HREs and PREs) divided by headcount.

Gross Wages per Headcount

Gross Wages divided by Headcount (the number of employees represented by this Personnel line item).

Adjusted Gross Wages per Headcount

Adjusted Gross Wages divided by Headcount (the amount of people represented by this Personnel line item).

Regular Wages per Headcount

Regular Wages divided by the number of employees represented by this Personnel line item.

Adjusted Regular Wages per Headcount

The Adjusted Regular Wages (Regular Wages minus HREs and PREs deducted from Regular Wages).

Related Expenses

The value of any PREs (Personnel Related Expenses budgeted by the period, such as health insurance) for this Personnel line item.

Related Expenses per Headcount

The value of PREs (Personnel Related Expenses budgeted by the period, such as health insurance) for this Personnel line item divided by the Headcount (number of people the line item represents.

Payable Increase

The amount this Personnel line item increases an Accounts Payable GL Account (in other words, the amount you owe in wages).

Payable Decrease

The amount this Personnel line item decreases an Accounts Payable GL Account (in other words, the amount of wages you paid and no longer owe this period).


The amount of cash represented by this Personnel line item (as opposed to non-cash payments).

PRE Driver

The amount for a certain PRE Driver applied to a Personnel line item. One Personnel line item may have multiple PRE Drivers attached (FICA, health insurance, etc.). When you are building a Record Set, you may see multiple listings of PRE Driver as options for Transaction Type. The list of PRE Drivers in the dropdown menu in Drivers matches the order of the list of PRE Drivers for the line item in Personnel.

*Only line items using Recognition Schedules with Accrual enabled have Accrual amounts.

Drivers.png Driver Transaction Types

When you build a Record Set Driver of other Drivers, you can build the set from Input Drivers or other Record Set Drivers.

Input Drivers have three main categories: monetary (such as a fee), unit (such as square footage), and percent (such as a sales commission percentage). Each category has its own Transaction types.

Driver Data Type

Transaction Types Available

Monetary Transaction Types




Accrual (Monetary)* – Select this option to set the Record Set Driver to use the amount of the line item accrued so far based on its Recognition Schedule.


Recognition (Monetary) – Select this option to set the Record Set Driver to use the part of the amount recognized so far based on its Recognition Schedule.


Monetary (most common transaction type to use for a Record Set) – Select this option to set the Record Set Driver to use a line item’s monetary amount (the total dollar amount).


Monetary (Input) – Select this option to set the Record Set Driver to use a line item’s monetary input (the total dollar amount with whatever manual edits users made to each period amount).

Unit Transaction Types





Accrual (Units)* – Select this option to set the Record Set Driver to use the total number of units for this line item accrued so far based on its Recognition Schedule.


Units – Select this option to set the Record Set Driver to use a line item’s total units.


Recognition (Units) – Select this option to set the Record Set Driver to use the part of the amount recognized so far based on its Recognition Schedule.


Units (Input) – Select this option to set the Record Set Driver to use a line item’s unit input (the total number of units with whatever manual edits users made to each period amount).


Percent Transaction Types




Percentage – Select this option to set the Record Set Driver to use a line item’s total percentage.


Recognition (Percentage) – Select this option to set the Record Set Driver to use the part of the amount recognized so far based on its Recognition Schedule.


Accrual (Percentage)* – Select this option to set the Record Set Driver to use the total percentage accrued so far based on its Recognition Schedule.


Percentage (Input) – Select this option to set the Record Set Driver to use the amount of the line item accrued so far based on its Recognition Schedule.

*Only line items using Recognition Schedules with Accrual enabled have Accrual amounts.


Adjustments.png Adjustment Transaction Types

Adjustment Transaction Type


Adjustment (Input)

The portion of the Adjustment Amount assigned per period by its Spread Method or the result of a Revenue Input Data Link. Depending on your Security settings, you and other users can make manual edits to each period’s amount.

Recognition (Adjustment)

The amount of this Adjustment recognized this period, based on its Recognition Schedule.

Accrual (Adjustment)*

The amount of this Adjustment accrued so far, based on its Recognition Schedule.


The “bottom line” for the Adjustment amount, or the amount per period that is the result of Data Link or Spread Method, Increase/Decrease, Recognition Schedule, and Accrual. Depending on your Security settings, you and other users can make manual edits to each period’s amount for the Adjustment.

*Only line items using Recognition Schedules with Accrual enabled have Accrual amounts.


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