Deleting Time Dimension Subsets in Planning


In Planning Maestro, you can customize your calendar view in the Planning applications to display certain years, quarters, and periods on the page. Each customized calendar or list of years, quarters, and periods is called a time subset.

Occasionally, you may decide that you no longer need a custom time subset and that you'd like to delete it.

Example.pngExample: One of your users created a subset named Test INC and it is no longer needed.


Info.png Please Note: Before deleting a custom time subset, make sure it is not the "active" selection for Time Dimension in any Planning Maestro module.

Step 1: In Planning Maestro, open one of the Planning applications.

Step 2: In the Time Dimension, click on the More icon ( mceclip0.png ).


Step 3: The Select Subsets popup opens. This lists all existing time subsets. Click on Manage Subsets.


Step 4: The Manage Subsets popup opens showing the subset definition for the selection on the previous screen. Use the drop-down box to select the subset you want to delete.


The Delete icon (mceclip9.png) becomes active.


Step 5: Mouse over the Delete icon and it turns red. Click the red Delete icon (mceclip8.png).


Step 6: A popup appears. Click on Confirm.


Step 7: The subset is deleted and the popup closes. A confirmation message displays in the upper right corner of the page. The Manage Subsets popup reopens. Click Cancel.


You are then returned to the Planning application screen.


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