Connecting to your Cube in Analytics Maestro


Analytics Maestro is Centage's plug-in to Excel, where you can analyze your Planning Maestro data (actuals, budget, and any what-if scenarios you have created). You can export your data from Planning Maestro to Analytics Maestro by deploying a Cube.

After you deploy a Cube from Analytics Maestro, you can connect to that Cube in Analytics Maestro and use it to run reports.

This document shows you, an Analytics Maestro user, how to connect to your Cube from Planning Maestro for the first time.

Step 1: Launch Excel and click on the Analytics Maestro tab at the top. On the Analytics Maestro ribbon, click on Report Designer.


Step 2: In the Report Designer, click on the drop-down menu at the top and select New Data Source.


Step 3: A Data Source Setup window opens. Click on the HTTP Server tab and enter the following information in the fields provided:

1.HTTP Server Name: Located in Planning Maestro Settings (with Planning Maestro Administrator access)

2.User Name: Provided by Centage Support in your Welcome email

3.Password: Provided by Centage Support in your Welcome email


Step 4: Click Connect to Server.


Step 5: The name of your Cube appears in the Existing Databases, Existing Cubes, and Data Source Name fields. Click OK.

Warning.png Please Note: If you do not see a Cube, you may be experiencing a security issue. Please contact Centage Support.


Step 6: The Report Layout tab reopens. The name of your Cube appears in the dropdown menu. Click Connect.


Dimensions and Hierarchies from your Planning Maestro account appear on the left, under Cube Dimensions.


You have now connected to your Cube from Planning Maestro. Click and drag Dimensions from the Cube Dimensions section to the Dimension Layout section to begin building your report.

Example.png Example: Click and drag your Account Number Hierarchies to Rows to start building a report which displays rows of Account Numbers.


For more instructions about setting up a report, see Setting up Reports in Analytics Maestro.

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