Selecting Headers, Columns, and Rows
Selecting Members for each Dimension in the Report
Analytics Maestro is Centage's plug-in to Excel, where you can analyze your Planning Maestro data (actuals, budget, and any what-if scenarios you have created). After setting up Analytics Maestro and connecting to your Planning Maestro Cube, you can run reports to analyze your data.
This document gives you, an Analytics Maestro user, a guide to using Report Designer to set up a basic Analytics Maestro report.
Please Note: If you are using Analytics Maestro for the first time, please see the following articles before using this article: |
Selecting Headers, Columns, and Rows
After you connect to your Cube in Report Designer, Dimensions from your Planning Maestro account appear in the Cube Dimensions section. Use the sections below to structure your report.
Cube Dimensions - The Cube Dimensions section displays the Planning Maestro Dimensions you can add to this report.
Dimension Layout - The Dimension Layout section displays Dimensions in the Analytics Maestro report.
Drag and drop Dimensions from Cube Dimensions to this section to create the report.
Headers - The Dimension(s) in the Header act as filters for the entire report: in other words, only line items linked with the Member you select for the Header Dimensions appear in the report.
Example: If your Region Dimension is in Headers and filtered for Northeast, only line items linked with the Northeast Region appear in the report. |
Click and drag Dimensions to this section that are associated with the line items you want to report on. Note that you can only filter each Dimension in Headers to display one Member at a time: one Version, one Entity, one Cost Center, etc.
Please Note:
Columns - The Dimension(s) in Columns determine the columns of the report. Include Time.Years and Time. Period in that order, so that the columns of the report show periods, quarters, and years.
Rows - The Dimension(s) in Rows determine the rows of the report. Click and drag your Account Number Dimension here so that your report displays account totals by period, quarter, or year.
Click and drag Dimensions to Headers, Columns, and Rows:
After clicking and dragging each Dimension to Headers, Columns, or Rows, double-click on certain Dimensions to filter them further.
Selecting Members for each Dimension in the Report
When you double-click on one of the Dimensions in the Dimension Layout section, the Member Selector window opens. This window enables you to select which Members (parts and pieces) of each Dimension you want to include in the report.
This document uses the Account Number Dimension as an example: you can select which Account Numbers to include.
In the Dimension Members section, your Hierarchies (organized views of each Dimension) appear. You can select an entire Hierarchy or click on the Expand icon ( ) to select certain Members from each Hierarchy.
Please Note: This document uses the Income Statement Hierarchy as an example. |
Mark the checkbox next to each Member you want to include in the report.
Please Note: If you select a Node, or level of the Hierarchy, the report automatically includes the Members in that Node. After running the report, you can double-click on the Node to expand it. |
After selecting all the Members you want to include in the report, click the Add button ( ) between the Dimension Members and Selected Members sections.
The Members you selected appear in the Select Members section.
To remove a Member from the report, select it and click the Remove icon ( ).
After all the Members you want to include in the report are in the Select Members section, click OK.
Repeat the previous steps to select the correct Members for each Dimension in Headers, Columns, and Rows.
Recommended Member selections:
After selecting the correct Dimensions and using the Member Selector to select the correct Members, click OK.
- The Report Designer window closes.
- The report opens in Excel. The Headers, Columns, and Rows you selected in the Report Designer appear in the report as shown.
Example: In the screenshot below:
Reviewing Your Report
You can now review your Analytics Maestro report and drill down to see more detail. You can:
- Use the Double-Click feature to expand or "zoom in" on certain cells (for example, double-clicking on the All Years column to view each year individually).
- Use the Isolation feature to isolate or focus on certain Members of the report.
- Create Custom Members to run calculations on various cells in your report.
- Customize the formatting of your report (for example, indentation within your Hierarchies).
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