Analytics Maestro: Report Display Options


Analytics Maestro is Centage’s plug-in to Microsoft Excel, where you can run reports and analyze your actuals and Centage data. 

Design your Analytics Maestro reports using the Report Designer. After you design a basic report, you can use the Display tab in the Report Designer to format it further.

This article shows you, an Analytics Maestro user, how to use the Display tab in Report Designer to format your reports.


To find the display tab, open a blank Excel workbook and select the Analytics Maestro tab at the top. Select Report Designer, and then the Display tab. 


The Display tab opens. Use the following options to format your report.

1. Display

    • Display Name – Allows you to display the name by caption that you see in Centage or by unique SQL name.
    • Row Header Indentation – Gives you the ability to left-justify your rows and indent from the top or bottom.
    • Report Format – provides the following four features:
    • Auto Resize Columns – This will automatically resize your columns based on the size of the data
    • Repeat Row Headers – You can repeat your row headers for every line.
    • Use Measure Display – This allows you to display the formatting that is currently in the Cube.
    • Preserve Formulas – This feature allows you to keep any formulas you have created in your report when it is refreshed.


  • Custom Formatting – You can create and use a Formatting Sheet that can automatically apply Hierarchy level-based formatting across the rows and columns of your report anytime it is refreshed or after Zoom-In or other navigation functions. It appears in the Report Options display tab.


2. Creating a Format Sheet

  • To create an initial Format Sheet, you can click the Create Formatting Sheet button from any report. This will create a default template on a new Excel tab
  • To create more levels, copy and insert a row. Then modify the labels in column A and B (e.g., 3; Level 3). To add more columns to match the columns in your report, just copy the columns as needed.
  • The following is an example of a formatting sheet with some font and conditional formatting differences.


  • The following shows the formatting results applied to your report.


  • Hide and Eliminate Rows and Columns
  • This group controls the hiding or eliminating of empty rows or columns from the report. These are useful for automatically making you report smaller as you navigate the data – especially in a sparsely populated Cube.
  • Rows
    Hide: This will hide empty rows using the Excel Hide feature. Eliminate: This will eliminate empty rows. The Members will no longer be in the report, so they will not reappear if you refresh the report using an updated Cube or a different page header.
  • Columns
    Eliminate: This will eliminate empty columns. The metadata Members will no longer be in the report definition, so they will not reappear if you refresh the report using an updated Cube or a different page header.
  • Navigate

3. Expand Options
This group controls precisely what a Zoom-In does.

  • Member + Children: Displays the selected Member and its children (if any).
  • Children: Displays the children of the selected Member, but remove the selected Member (parent).
  • Descendants: Displays the descendants of the selected Member, but removes the selected Member.
  • Same Level as Member: Displays all Members that appear at the same level in the hierarchy.  This includes Siblings and cousins.  This is good for getting every State/Province based on one.
  • Lowest Level: Displays the leaf node Members (Members with no children) that are descendants of the selected Member.



4. Sort
This group controls which column is used to sort the data and in what direction.

  • Column List Control: This list box will start out blank and will display the columns that appear on the report when you put your mouse over it.  If you select a column by clicking on it (once), and then move your mouse away, your selection should be displayed in the box.


  • To change the sort column, move your mouse back over it, and select a different column.  Your current selection will appear in a darker blue.


  • To turn off sorting, select None, which appears at the beginning of the list.
  • Ascending: Sort the report based on the chosen column from low-to-high.
  • Descending: Sort the report based on the chosen column from high-to-low.



Watch Intro to Report Designer Video

Watch Additional Report Designer Tabs Video

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