Centage Data Integration for Acumatica


Centage enables you to upload current data from your accounting or ERP system to analyze or use in your budget. After you set up an integration between Centage and your accounting system, Centage can extract data every night to use for the next day.




Centage can integrate with many accounting systems, including Acumatica.

This Implementation guide shows you, a Centage Administrator and Acumatica Administrator, how to authorize access to your General Ledger data in Acumatica.


Integration Overview

Centage’s integration can pull in core General Ledger structures and information from Acumatica. It extracts data every night to ensure fresh data is populated into Centage for the following day.

We extract the following information:

General Ledger

  • Account Classes
  • Account Groups
  • Accounts
  • Branches
  • Companies
  • Currencies
  • Currency Info
  • Customers Vendors
  • Ledgers
  • Periods
  • Projects
  • Project Tasks
  • Sub Accounts
  • Transactions


Getting Started

Are you using Web Services for your Acumatica environment?

You can enable Web Services for your Acumatica environment. This feature allows users to sign into your organization’s Acumatica site via a web browser without needing to connect to the server through a remote desktop connection.

If you are unsure which configuration you have, or if your Web Services is not enabled, please reach out to an administrator in your Acumatica system. 

For customers with Web Services enabled, please continue with the instructions below.

Info.png Please Note: The version of Acumatica may affect navigation. For your convenience, this document includes Screen IDs. To navigate with a Screen ID, simply enter it into the search field at the top of your Acumatica site as shown below:





Importing and Publishing Customization Project

Publishing the Customization Project will load in the Generic Inquiries, Site Map objects, and Web Service Endpoints that Centage Integration requires.


Download Customization Project

Download the Centage Integration Customization Project ZIP file here.



Import Customization Project

Step 1: Go to Customization Projects (Screen ID: SM204505).

Step 2: Click Import.

Step 3: Click Choose File.

Step 4: Locate the zip file named: CentageIntegration.zip.  A download link was provided in the integration welcome email.

Step 5: Click Upload.



Publish Customization Project

Warning.png Please Note: Active website users will be logged out.

Step 1: Mark the checkbox (pictured below) to select the project CentageIntegration.



Step 2: Click Publish. The project will be validated and if successful, will give a warning that active users will be logged out.

Step 3: Click Publish (again). This will update the database and load all the project items.

Step 4: Once the Website updated is displayed, you may click the x to close the Compilation window.

The Customization Projects screen will reload and you should now see the project as Published.

Info.png Please Note: If an error occurs, most likely it will be due to some version conflict. In any case, please notify Centage Integration so we may help you resolve the issue.


Acumatica User & Role Configurations

Create and set up a User Role for Centage Integration so the team can extract only the necessary data from your Acumatica organization.

Creating an Acumatica Role

Step 1: Go to User Roles (Screen ID: SM201005).

Step 2: Enter Role Name: CentageIntegration.

Step 3: Enter Role Description: Centage Integration.

Step 4: Unselect Guest Role.

Step 5: Click Save.



Assign Role Access Rights

Assign Access Rights to the new User Role you created.

Step 1: Go to Access Rights by Role (Screen ID: SM201025).

Step 2: Select Role NameCentageIntegration.

Step 3: In the navigation tree, click the top node (default name is Company).

Step 4:  Set the following permissions.

Please note: as Acumatica comes out with new versions, the naming and location of these permission nodes may change, if uncertain about where to locate these permissions, please reach out to your assigned Centage integration specialist for assistance.
  • Customization > Customization Projects (Delete)
    In case the Customization Project needs to be cleanly reloaded into Acumatica, this allows your assigned Centage Integration Specialist to troubleshoot. The CentageIntegration Customization project will never be published without prior authorization from the customer.

  • Customization > Generic Inquiries (Delete)
    In case a Centage Generic Inquiry must be rebuilt or removed.  Acumatica occasionally will remain fields as well as table names which can break integrations.  Having this permission allows Centage Integration team to troubleshoot and resolve these scenarios.

  • Customization > Site Map (Delete)
    In case a Centage Site Map item is no longer valid (Generic Inquiry no longer required or is causing issues due to an Acumatica upgrade), this allows the Centage Integration team to troubleshoot and resolve these scenarios.

  • Data Views (Granted)
    This permission in part allows the Centage Integration to access Generic Inquiry results. 
    You may limit data access to just permission nodes prefixed with "Centage" with the Delete permission instead.
  • Finance (Granted)
    This permission allows the Centage Integration team to generate Trial Balances, amongst other reports for reconciliation as well as troubleshooting.  This permission can be revoked and only granted when needed if preferred.

  • Integration > Web Service endpoints (Delete)
    This permission allows us to troubleshoot and validate the endpoint in case the integration stops functioning after an upgrade to a newer version of Acumatica.

  • Integration > Web Services (Delete)
    This permission allows us to troubleshoot and validate the endpoint in case the integration stops functioning after an upgrade to a newer version of Acumatica.

  • System Management > Tenants (View Only)
    This permission is required for us to build our initial connection for the Acumatica site.

  • Hidden > Centage (Granted)
    This permission in part allows our user account to access the resulting data for each of the Generic Inquiries.


Create a User for Centage Integration

Create a new user that Centage Integration can use. Assign it the User Role you created.

Step 1: Go to Users (Screen ID: SM201010) and select Generate Password.

Step 2: Enter the following:

  • Login: Centage
  • Email: integration@centage.com

Ensure the following are selected:

  • Allow Password Recovery
  • Allow Password Changes
  • Password Never Expires
    Force User to Change Password on Next Login

Step 3: Click on the tab Roles below and select CentageIntegration and the Access Role for each of your company(ies)

This access role can be found within Companies > {Company ID} > Configuration Settings > Access Role 
(Screen ID CS101500)"

Step 4: Click Save.


What’s Next?

The Centage Integration team will receive a welcome email from Acumatica once the user account is created. We will confirm access to the required screens and data and will begin our integration work.

Once completed, we will notify our Consultants to begin validating the data and they will reach out if necessary.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Centage Integration by email at Integration@Centage.com.


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