Centage Data Integration for Oracle NetSuite using OAuth 2.0


Centage enables you to upload current data from your accounting or ERP system to analyze or use in your budget. After you set up an integration between Centage and your accounting system, Centage can extract data every night to use for the next day.


Centage can integrate with many accounting systems, including Oracle NetSuite.

This Implementation guide shows you, a Centage Administrator, how to authorize Centage to access your General Ledger data in NetSuite.


Integration Overview

Centage’s integration can pull in core General Ledger structures and information from NetSuite. It extracts data every night to ensure fresh data is populated into Centage for the following day.

We extract the following information:

  1. General Ledger Transaction Totals
  2. Dimensions:
    • Classification
    • Customer
    • Department
    • Location
    • Subsidiary

Enable OAUTH 2.0 Authentication

Confirm that OAUTH 2.0 authentication is enabled for your account.

Step 1: After signing into NetSuite, navigate to: Setup > Company > Enable Features.

Step 2: Click on SuiteCloud.

Step 3: In the SuiteScript section, enable the following:


Step 4: Scroll down to SuiteTalk (Web Services) and enable the following:


Step 5: Scroll further to Manage Authentication section and enable the following:

  • OAUTH 2.0

Step 6: Scroll to top of page and click Save.


Create Role

Create a User Role that the Centage Integration Team can use to set up the integration.

Info.png Please Note: This role will be specifically for Centage Integration to grant us access to required data. We only read information from it and never write back to your environment.

Step 1: Navigate to: Setup > User/Roles > Manage Roles > New.

Step 2: Enter the following information:


Centage Integration

Employee Restrictions

none – no default

Two-Factor Authentication Required

Not Required

Duration of Trusted Device

Per Session


Step 1: In the Subsidiary Restrictions section, select All.

Step 2: Below the Authentication section, click on Permissions > Setup.

Step 3: Add the following permissions with corresponding levels:

Certificates Management Full
Access Token Management View
Accounting Lists View
Log in using Oauth 2.0 Access tokens Full
Oath 2.0 Authorized Applications Management Full
REST Web Services Full
Secrets Management View
Record Catalog View
Custom Record Types View
Custom Segments View
Custom Fields View
Custom Lists View
Other Custom Fields View

Step 4: Navigate to: Permissions > Transactions.

Step 5: Add ALL available permissions with a level of View:

Step 6: Navigate to: Permissions > Lists.

Step 7: Set the following permissions with a level of View:








Find Transaction

Perform Search

Info.png Please Note: Depending on the version of NetSuite you are using, Subsidiaries and or Currency may not be present. Additionally, if you do not have certain features enabled, not all permissions will be available in the drop downs. 

Step 8: Navigate to: Permissions > Reports.

Step 9: Set the following permissions for View:

Financial Statements

General Ledger

Transaction Detail

Step 10: Save Role.


Create User or Assign Role to Existing User

Set up a user account that the Centage Integration team can use.

Create or set up a user account that the Centage Integration team can use to set up this integration. You can either:

  1. Create a new user (which may incur additional charges from NetSuite).
  2. Modify an existing user account and assign it the role you created in the previous step.

Option 1:  Create User

Step 1: Navigate to:  Lists > Employees > Employees > New.

Step 2: Enter the following:


Centage Integration




Choose your company


Step 3: Below the Classification section, click on Access and enable the following:

  • Give Access
  • Send New Access Notification Email

Step 4: In Roles, add Centage Integration.

Step 5: Save the new User.

Option 2:  Assign Role to Existing User

Instead of creating a new Centage Integration user, you can add the Centage Integration User Role to an existing user.

Step 1: Navigate to:  Lists > Employees > Employees > Search.

Step 2: Search for the desired user to be assigned the Centage Integration role.

Step 3: Click Edit.

Step 4: Click Access.

Step 5: Under Roles, add Centage Integration, then Save.


Create an Integration Record

Create an Integration Record that the Centage Integration Team can use to set up the integration.

Step 1: Navigate to:  Setup > Integration > Manage Integrations > New.

Step 2: Enter the following:


Centage Integration




Step 3: Below, click on Authentication and enable the following under the OAuth 2.0 tab:

  • Checked Client Credentials (Machine To Machine) Grant
  •  Scope- RESTLETS

*Note all other check boxes should be unselected*

Step 4: Click Save.

Step 5: Confirmation should be shown at the top of the page, the Consumer Key/Client ID and Consumer Secret should be shown at the bottom of the page.

  • Email the Consumer Key/Client ID to Integration@Centage.com.
    • Best_practice_icon.png Recommended: send in a password protected Word document. See the guide below.
  • The Consumer Key and Secret will only display once. Treat these values as top-secret passwords.


Set up M2M Certificate

Step 1: Navigate to Setup>Integration>OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials(M2M) Setup

Step 2: Click the Create New button

Step 3: Fill out the displayed fields with the following values:

  • Entity: Centage Integration User
  • Role: Centage Integration Role
  • Application: Integration Record from the previous step

Step 4: Under Certificate, click the Choose a file button, and select the certificate file provided by Centage, eg. 'yourcompany.pem'.

Password-Protect Word Document

This step is optional, but recommended. The Consumer Key is like a password, so to safely send it via email, we recommend password-protecting the document.

Step 1: In Microsoft Word, enter the Consumer Key value.

Step 2: Go to:  File > Info > Protect Document.

Step 3: Enter a password twice and save the document.

Step 4: When sending a password protected document, send the password in a separate email to Integration@Centage.com.


What’s Next?

After you complete the steps above, we will use the provided Client/Consumer ID to verify we have a working connection to your Netsuite Environment.

From there, we will confirm access to the required data and will begin our integration work.

Once completed, we will notify our Consultants to begin validating the data. They will reach out if necessary.

If you have any questions, please email us at integration@Centage.com.


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