Sorting Line Items in Planning Maestro



Locating the Planning Applications

Sorting/Clearing Sorting

Exporting to Excel

Planning Maestro enables you to create budgets for your Operating Expenses, Revenue, Personnel, Drivers, and Adjustments.

When you create a budget, you may have thousands of line items on a single page. Planning Maestro enables you to sort these line items by column to see them in ascending or descending order.

Example.png Example: You could sort your line items by Amount in ascending order so that line item Amounts display from least to greatest.

This document shows you, a Planning Maestro user, how to sort line items in the Planning applications (Operating Expenses, Revenue, Personnel, Drivers, and Adjustments). 

Locating the Planning Applications

To sort line items in Planning Maestro, open the Planning module and select one of the applications (Operating Expenses, Revenue, Personnel, Drivers, or Adjustments). Sorting works in all of these applications.


The application page opens. You can sort the line items on this page.


Sorting Line Items

You can sort line items by column (one column at a time).

Step 1: To sort a certain column, hover over the column’s header and select the Sort icon ( Sort.png ).

Warning.png Please Note: You can only sort columns that contain text (words or numbers). You cannot sort columns dragged from the Properties pane that use toggle switches or links (such as Use Data Link).


Step 2: The Sorting menu appears. 


You can:

Clear Sorting – Clear any sorting you have previously selected for this column (this button is green when the column is sorted).

Sort Ascending – Arrange line items in order from least to greatest (symbols, numbers from zero to infinity, A-z, and blanks in that order) from top to bottom.

Sort Descending – Arrange line items in order from greatest to least (blanks, z-A, numbers from infinity to zero, and symbols in that order) from top to bottom.

Info.png Please Note: When you sort a column with dates, Planning Maestro sorts the dates from earliest to latest (in ascending order) or latest to earliest (descending order).

When select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending:

  • The column is sorted.
  • A Sorted icon ( Sorted.png ) appears in the top right corner of the header.


Example.png Example: When you sort the Name column in descending order, these Names sort in reverse alphabetical order: T, S, C, B.


Warning.png Please Note: You can only sort one column at a time. If you have one column sorted, and then select to sort another column, the sorting on the first column is erased. The page rearranges according to the sorting on the second column.

Clearing Sorting

To clear (undo) the sorting on a single column, click on the Sorted icon ( Sorted.png ) and select Clear Sorting.


To clear sorting without having to find which column is sorted, click on the Remove all Sorting icon ( Remove_all_sorts.png ) in the top left.


The line items return to their previous order.

Guidelines for Sorting

Planning Maestro has the following guidelines for sorting:

Sorting Only Applies to Columns with Text

You can only sort columns that contain text (words, symbols, numbers, or dates). You cannot sort columns dragged from the Properties pane that use toggle switches or links (such as Use Data Link).

The Use Data Link and Allocation Method columns (dragged from the Properties pane) cannot be sorted:


Warning.png Please Note: If you click and drag the column that lists any linked Drivers (Drivers connected to this line item through a Data Link) from the Properties pane, you cannot sort or filter that column. All other columns with text are sortable.

Order of Sorting: Words, Symbols, or Numbers

If you sort columns with words, symbols, or numbers in ascending order, Planning Maestro arranges line items in this order:

  1. Symbols (special characters) except for the hyphen ( - )
  2. Numbers
  3. Letters in alphabetical order (capital letters first: Cash before cash)
  4. Blanks
Example.png Example: Examples of sorting in ascending and descending order:

Ascending Order

Descending Order



123 - Account









123 – Account




Order of Sorting: Dates

When you sort columns with dates in ascending order, Planning Maestro arranges the dates from earliest to latest.

Ascending Order

Descending Order








Selected Items Stay Selected

When you select a line item on the page and then sort, the line item you selected stays selected (highlighted in green) even if it jumps around the page with the sorting.

Top row selected before sorting:


Original line item is still selected after sorting:


Adding Line Items While Sorting

When you add a line item to a page when a column is sorted, the page rearranges to put the new line item in the correct place according to the sorting.

Adding a line item:


New line item jumps to the correct place:


Deleting Line Items While Sorting

When you delete a line item to a page when a column is sorted, the page rearranges the remaining line items according to the sorting.

Deleting a line item:


Page rearranges after line item is deleted:


Exporting to Excel

When you export to Excel, your Excel spreadsheet does not keep your sorting. The spreadsheet lists the line items in their original order.

When you re-import the Excel spreadsheet back in, clear all sorting and then re-apply it.

Importing from Excel:


Re-sort after importing:


Sorting and Filtering At the Same Time

You can sort and filter line items at the same time. Planning Maestro rearranges the filtered line items on the page.


Sorting a Column With Duplicate Values

When you sort a column with many of the same values (for example, if you sort a Spread Method column when many items use the Even Spread Method) the sorting puts the same values into groups but keeps them in their original order within each group.

Sorting a column with duplicate values:


Sorting groups the same values, but keeps them in the original order in each group:


Removing a Sorted Column

When you remove a sorted column from your view, that sorting is cleared (whether you moved a Dimension from Rows to Filters, or a column back to the Properties pane).

Example.png Example: When you click and drag the (sorted) Recognition Schedule column back to the Properties pane, the sorting on the page clears.

Moving a sorted column:


Sorting is cleared:


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1 comment
  • In Sorting Line Items, Step 2., Sort Ascending, "or blanks" should be replaced with "and blanks".

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