Editing Account Number Display Options in Reports


In Planning Maestro reports, you have three options for displaying Account Names and Descriptions:

  • Account Name Only – Display only the Account Name, such as S-5000:


  • Account Description Only – Display only the Account Description, such as Office Supplies:


  • Account Name and Description (default option) – Display both the Account Name and Description (for example, S-5000 – Office Supplies):


This document shows you, a Planning Maestro user, how to change your account display options in reports.

To change the display options for Account Names and Descriptions in your reports, follow the steps below.

Step 1Open the Reports module and open any report, new or previously created.

Step 2: Click on the More icon ( Default__Time__-_More.png ) next to the Account Number Dimension at the top, which is usually in the Rows section.


Step 3: The Select Subsets popup opens. Click Manage Subsets.


Step 4: The Manage Subsets popup opens. Click the Subset Options icon ( Settings.png ).


Step 5: The Subset Options popup opens. Select which display option you want for this particular subset:

  • Account Name Only – Display only the Account Name, such as S-5000
  • Account Description Only – Display only the Account Description, such as Office Supplies
  • Account Name and Description (default option) – Display both the Account Name and Description (for example, S-5000 – Office Supplies)

Then, click Save.


Step 6: The Manage Subsets popup reopens. Click Save As to save this subset with a new name.


Step 7: In the Save Subset As popup, enter a new name for this subset in the subset Name field and click Save Subset.

Info.png Please Note: Administrators can create and save a Shared subset that other users can see. Non-Administrators can only create and save a Private subset for their own use.


Step 8: On the reports page, click the Rerun report button ( Rerun_report_-_highlighted.png ) to implement your changes.


In this example, the report shows Account Name only. The default option is to display Account Name – Description, such as S-4010 -- General Expenses.

Example.png Example: Account Name Only - 


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