Version Management



The Version Management tool allows Administrator users to lock and delete Centage-based Budget versions. 


This document shows you, an Administrator user, how to use the Version Management tool.

Version Management is a Data Tool available in the Tools module:

The Version Management tool page displays a list of Centage-based Budget version members. The columns include Name, Description, Type, Status and Action.  There is a Search feature in the upper right corner. 

Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 12.07.10 PM.png

Each identifying column gives you the ability to sort in Ascending or Descending order. The Action column displays a lock icon.  For unlocked versions, the icon has the lock open and for locked version the lock is closed. Locked versions will also display a trash can icon.

For non-Administrator users, the Action column will display either an open lock or a closed lock indicating the status of each version listed.

Lock a Budget Version

Once you have determined that you would like to Lock a Budget version, follow these steps.

Step 1: On the Version Management page, in the Action column, click the toggle next to the open lock Icon  on the row for the Budget version.

Once you click this, the version is evaluated for dependent data links and open Workflows.

If data projection dependencies are detected, the Unable to Lock Version window is displayed.

Info.pngPlease Note: You can contact your Customer Success Manager to request a list of data projections where dependencies are present.

If the version has open workflow assignments, the Open Workflow window is displayed.

You can click Continue to proceed with locking the version and then the Lock Version? window is displayed or you can click Cancel to return to the Version Management page.

Info.pngPlease Note:  If you choose Continue, users will be able to update workflow status, but they will not be able to edit data projections.

If neither of these conditions are present, the Lock Version? window is displayed.

Step 2: Type the Version Name exactly as it is in the Name column. 

When the text entered matches the related row, the Apply button activates.

Click Apply.

  •  Your Budget Version is locked.  The lock icon  in the Action column is closed and a delete icon is displayed.

  • A confirmation message appears in the upper right corner of the page.

The version is locked and no changes can be made to data projections.

When viewing locked versions in Worksheets modules, the data projections have a gray background in the working grid.

Changes made to any of the attached Automations in properties, ie. Increase/Decrease Method, Allocation, Payment Schedules, will not update the values in this version.

You can export data projections for a locked version but you can not import data projections to a locked version.


Delete a Budget Version

Once a version has been locked, it can then be deleted if necessary. 

Once you have determined that you would like to Delete a Budget version, follow these steps:


Step 1: Ensure the version you intend to delete has been locked.  Only a locked Budget version can be deleted.

Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 11.32.49 AM.png


Step 2: On the Version Management page, in the Action column, click the Delete icon, represented by a trashcan symbol:Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 11.20.19 AM.png




Info.pngPlease Note:  If the version you intend to delete is associated with a Forecast or Workflow, you will receive a message to notify you that deleting the version will also delete the Forecast and Workflow.


Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 9.19.20 AM.png


Step 3: In order to confirm the deletion, you must enter the name of the version and select Delete.


Info.pngPlease Note: Once a version has been deleted it cannot be recovered.



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