Redeploying Cubes from the Data Modeler



Locating Deployments

Redeploying Your Cube

Previewing Your Data

Deleting Cubes

Planning Maestro Cubes are read-only views or displays of data you can use to examine your data from different perspectives, like a Rubik’s cube. You can examine Cubes in Excel using Analytics Maestro (an add-on to Excel).

You can deploy (publish) Cubes through the Data Modeler or Financial Intelligence Setup.

Cubes from the Data Modeler

Cubes from Financial Intelligence Setup


• Data from your GL Source.


• Data from your GL Source.

• Data from your Planning Maestro Plan.


The Centage Team helps you set up your first Cube. After that, redeploy the Cube whenever you upload new data or edit your Base Structures or Dimensions.

This document shows you, a Planning Maestro user, how to:

  • Redeploy (republish) a Cube from the Data Modeler after uploading new data or editing your Base Structures or Dimensions.
  • Permanently delete a Cube (if necessary).
Info.png Please NoteWhen you redeploy from the Data Modeler, you are only deploying data from your GL Source. To deploy data from your GL Source and from Planning Maestro, deploy or redeploy a Cube from Financial Intelligence Setup.

Locating Deployments

Step 1: To redeploy a Cube from the Data Modeler, open the Data Modeler module, connect to your Profile, and select Deploy Data Model.


The Deploy Data page opens. Use this page to deploy or redeploy Plans and Cubes.

Redeploying Your Cube


When you upload CIF (Centage Integration Format) Files with new data or make other changes to your Dimensions, redeploy any Cubes or Plans that have those Dimensions.

Step 1: If you want to edit the Cube before redeploying it, on the Deploy Data page, click on the Cube’s name.


Step 2: The Cube opens. Click Select Dimensions.


Selecting Dimensions

On the Select Dimensions page, edit the following information as needed.


Account Dimension – The Account Number Dimension for this Cube.

Time Dimension – The Time Dimension (fiscal calendar structure) for this Cube.

Version Dimension – The Version Dimension for this Cube.

Info.png Please Note: The Versions you can use for this Cube must come from your GL Source. To redeploy a Cube that includes budgetary Versions from Planning Maestro, redeploy it from Financial Intelligence Setup instead.

Currency (optional) – The Currency Dimension for this Cube.

Select Other Dimensions – In this table:

Click on every unselected Dimension you want to include in this Cube (for example, entities, products, customers, programs, etc.).


A Selected icon ( Accept.png ) appears next to every Dimension you choose.


Info.png Please Note: You can add Dimensions, but you cannot remove Dimensions from an existing Plan.

Click Select Data Version.


Selecting Data Versions

The Select Data Versions page opens.


Select Data Version – In this table, select all the Versions (usually just your Actuals) you want to include in this Cube. When you select a Version, the row turns green in the table and a Selected icon ( Accept.png ) appears beside it.

Select GL Source(s) to Deploy – Selection one of the following radio buttons:

  • Always deploy all GL sources – Select this radio button to deploy data from all the GL Sources in your GL Source Dimension.
  • Deploy only selected GL Sources – To streamline your deployment and only deploy data you plan to use, select certain GL Sources to deploy. First, select the Deploy only selected GL sources option. Then, select which GL Sources you want to include in this deployment.


Select Date Range to Deploy – Select one of the following radio buttons:


  • Deploy All – Deploy all date ranges in these Versions.
  • Deploy Specific Date Range – Select this radio button to deploy a specific date range. If you select this option, new fields appear below:


Click on these dropdown menus to select the Start Period, Start Year, End Period, and End Year for this range of data.

When you select Data Versions, you can:

Click Deploy to deploy the Cube as it is,


Click Select Dimension Overrides to select default Dimension Members for certain Dimensions.


Configuring Dimension Overrides

The Configure Dimension Overrides page opens.

(optional) Use the Configure Dimension Overrides page to set up a default Dimension Member for line items from certain Dimensions.


Example.png Example: You can set up the deployment so that every new line item linked to the Product Dimension automatically links to a certain product.


Info.png Please Note: Configuring Dimension Overrides is an optional best practice if you have certain Dimensions with Members that will be linked to more line items than other Member.
  • To set up a Dimension Override, click on the dropdown menu next to a Dimension and select a default Member.
  • If you do not want to set up a default Member for a Dimension, leave the selection as None.


Now, you can:

1. Deploy the Cube by clicking Deploy.


2. Select your Equity Settings, or options for Retained Earnings and Balancing Entries (optional).


Configuring a Balancing Entry

(optional) If you clicked Select Equity Settings, use the Select Equity Settings page to manage how Planning Maestro treats your Retained Earnings and balances your transactions.


Planning Maestro stores your Retained Earnings, or net income, as one line item you can see in your Balance Sheet and other reports that include equity. To select which Dimension Members that Retained Earnings line item is linked to (for example, one office from your Office Dimension, one program from your Program Dimension, and so on), click on the dropdown menu next to each Dimension and choose a Dimension Member.

Info.png Please Note: For your Account Number Dimension, you can only select an Equity account.


If you do not select any Dimension Members here, Retained Earnings will be linked to the default Member for each Dimension. For your Account Number Dimension, the default account for Retained Earnings is (Undesignated) Equity.

Configure Balancing Entry

Planning Maestro automatically balances each transaction and line item you enter, making sure that debits equal credits. Occasionally, some transactions may not balance: for example, if you exclude certain Dimension Members before deploying, you can also exclude data needed to balance your transactions.

The default Balancing Entries are Undesignated (Monetary), Undesignated (Asset), etc. Use this page to select different Balancing Entries as needed.


Info.png Please Note: Your Balancing Entries should always have an amount of 0 (to show that your account is balanced). Use the Data Preview to check on the amount in your Balancing Entries before deploying.

Previewing Your Data

After setting up your deployment name, Dimensions, data, Dimension Overrides, and Balancing Entry, click Preview to preview your deployment to check for inconsistencies, inaccuracies, or missing data.


A data preview appears.


Use the options on this page to preview your data:

  1. Detail View – To view the details for each transaction, or the individual account transactions that created the amount for each Dimension Member, leave this toggle switch ON. To see only the results for each Dimension Member, click on this toggle switch to turn it to the OFF position.
  2. Version – Click on this dropdown menu and select the Version you want to view.
  3. Data Type – Select one of these radio buttons:

Financial – Select this radio button to see financial accounts.

Non-Financial – Select this radio button to see statistical accounts.

  1. Start Period, Start Year, End Period, End Year – Click on these dropdown menus to change the date range of transactions in your view.
Info.png Please Note: Depending on the structure of your Time Dimension, you may have 12 or 13 normal periods (type P) to choose from as well as the Beginning Balance (BB) and Closing period (C).
  1. Export to Excel – Click on Export to Excel to examine this preview an Excel spreadsheet.
  2. Refresh – Click Refresh when you finish making your changes.
  3. Deploy – When you are satisfied with this preview, click Deploy.

If this redeployment takes a long time, you can click on the Refresh button ( Refresh_deployment.png ) on the Plan’s deployment card to refresh its status and check its progress.


The deployment status updates.


A confirmation message appears. Click Confirm.


When the deployment is finished:

  • A confirmation message appears.
  • Any updates to your Dimensions are reflected in the Cube.
  • Open Analytics Maestro to study this Cube.


Deleting Cubes

Warning.png Please Note: You cannot recover deleted Cubes.

Step 1: To open the Deploy Data page, open the Data Modeler and select Deploy Data.

Step 2: To delete a Cube, click the Delete icon ( Delete.png ) under it.


Step 3: A popup message appears. After you make sure you will never need this Cube again, enter "DELETE” in the field provided and click Confirm.


  • A confirmation message appears.
  • The Cube is deleted.


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